Union Pacific MPECL 7-29-22

I got to the south end of town early this afternoon to find Union Pacific train MPECL gone from Adams Street Yard. But I head heard some brief chatter on the UP Peoria Sub channel, so I figured I'd best make my way to W. Farmington Road as soon as possible.

Despite the slow drivers, I made it in time. I pulled up to the old gas station on the north side of the road (west of the tracks) just as the gates were lowering. 

UP 6151 has 44 cars.

- David P. Jordan


  1. Hey been having trouble posting not in the right post I know. Has Pioneer abandoned the spur of UP into industrial park in Peoria. Crossings at Allen rd and University have bags over the lights. Did they move for line abandonment with the STB?

    1. Sorry for the delay. I no longer get email notifcations for posts, and I want to filter every one due to spamming.


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