Five Trains in One Hour (MP 141.55 on BNSF Railway's Chillicothe Sub)

If you wish to see a train, stay trackside somewhere along BNSF Railway's Chillicothe Subdivision. 

It is that time of year that the Christmas merchandise rush requires extra sections of many of the regularly scheduled trains. I parked at a country road crossing (Milepost 141.55) just east of Princeville late Sunday morning and captured five train movements in an hour. I just missed a westbound autorack train.

Train information as follows:

- EB w/BNSF 7949-984 and 106 platforms
- EB w/BNSF 7671-4334-7125-3835 and 69 platforms
- WB w/BNSF 4425 & NS 7558-2511-8860 and 101 platforms
- EB w/BNSF 7863-6399-8036-6043 and 85 platforms
- EB w/ BNSF 5246-1114 & NS 9898-2584-8125 and 73 cars

The last train was H-GALNSI (High Priority Manifest, Galesburg IL to Norfolk Southern Interchange), which BNSF will hand off to Norfolk Southern at Streator, Illinois. There, the train becomes Train 10R for Elkhart, Indiana. 

- David P. Jordan


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