Future Posts

I've been busy in recent weeks, but I plan to resume PIA - A History posts in May. 

I recently purchased an Official Airline Guide, North American Edition for June 1974 so the next post will likely compare service in September 1973 just prior to the Arab Oil Embargo.

The post after that will focus on Ozark Air Lines' service expansion, an apparent attempt to pacify the Greater Peoria Airport Authority in its effort to break the carrier's long monopoly. 

- David P. Jordan


  1. Departed Flights has the April 1975 oag

  2. Hey FYI heard Iowa Interstate might be upgrading their rail on Peoria Sub they are clear cutting around their crossing because of increased speed maybe coming soon. Was wondering if you heard anything. Should drive towards Chillicothe from Rt 6 north. See it best from RiverBeach crossing north

    1. They won't raise track speeds above 25mph until after they lay welded rail. Recent bridge replacements suggests they may intend to do that soon.


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