Canadian National L557 7-28-22

After leaving the downtown library this evening, I checked the Tazewell & Peoria Railroad's East Peoria Yard to see if Canadian National Railway local L557 (E. Peoria to Decatur IL) was still around, and getting ready to depart. 
Turns out, it actually was still in the yard waiting on an empty BNSF coal train out of Powerton to clear Wesley Junction. (It also met a loaded BNSF grain train, which followed the empty coal. This train was loaded on the TP&W.)
I shot the train at four locations. Video shows power runbys at Hilliards and Pekin (N. 2nd Street and IC Junction), and then the whole train at 5th Street near South Pekin. I actually got the entire train at Hilliards but I didn't think its glacial speed was sufficiently entertaining...

CN 5696 and CN 5643 left East Peoria with 71 cars, adding five empties from Hanna Steel at Pekin. I think I heard correctly that the train had eight loads. 

Note some nearly brand new (2021) CN covered hoppers sprinkled throughout the consist. I'm not sure why this train had so many grain or grain product empties. 
- David P. Jordan


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