TZPR Switches PMP Fermentation 11-25-23

Two years and five months have past since I've caught the Tazewell & Peoria Railroad switching PMP Fermentation Products in downtown Peoria. So when I was crossing the river at midday this morning, and glanced at the action to my right, I hurried to a safe spot to record it. 

TZPR 1351 was just finishing up shoving seven loads (probably all corn syrup, except one possibly a sodium hydroxide solution tank car) into the plant after pulling five corn syrup empties and one empty sodium hydroxide solution tank car and returning to East Peoria. 

That latter car, CAOX 300307, was seen on last Saturday's CN L556 local. A second car with the same contents, GATX 229403, was on the same CN local, and might well have been delivered today. PMP has been receiving this product by rail since May 2022. 

CAPTION: A Tazewell & Peoria Railroad "Industry Job" or extra spots seven loads at PMP Fermentation Products' Peoria, Illinois plant midday Saturday, November 25, 2023. When finished, five corn syrup empties and one empty sodium hydroxide solution tank car were pulled through downtown on the return leg to East Peoria. 

David P. Jordan


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