Tazewell & Peoria RR Transfer to TP&W, Iowa Interstate PESI 12-30-24
After work this afternoon, I checked to see if Iowa Interstate train PESI was ready to leave. Sure enough, IAIS 152 was on the point of the train, parked on the Tazewell & Peoria Railroad's West Lead and stretched into the East Peoria Yard. I didn't know how long it had been there so I headed for the downtown library. But radio chatter confirmed that a Tazewell & Peoria Railroad crew had received permission to depart the East Peoria Yard for the TP&W yard. I immediately headed for a bridge and set up at E. Washington Street. I nearly missed it due to impatience, but then I didn't hear a horn at N. Main Street. Fortunately, E. Camp Street has a convenient U-turn as well as a place to park trackside. CAPTION: A Tazewell & Peoria Railroad yard job rolls under Interstate 74 in East Peoria, Illinois late-afternoon Monday, December 30, 2024. TZPR 1351 has 20 cars (19 grain empties, one alcohol load) for the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway. ...