TZPR Locals, Iowa Interstate PESI 1-17-25

This afternoon proved to be busy. 
When I reached East Peoria, I heard the TZPR 1521 ask permission to leave the diesel shop for the yard as Industry 4. Within minutes, TZPR 1351 received permission from Iowa Junction to the East Peoria Yard. This train, probably Industry 2, left Kickapoo Yard with three scrap metal loads. Only minutes after that, IMRR 43 left the West Yard for East Peoria with a dozen cars (five alcohol loads, the rest corn syrup empties and buffer cars).

CAPTION: Two Tazewell & Peoria Railroad locals are shown approaching Bridge Junction in Peoria, Illinois late-afternoon Friday, January 17, 2025. TZPR 1351 came first at Sanger Street, and was enroute from Kickapoo Yard to East Peoria with three scrap metal loads. Within minutes, IMRR 43 crossed Leland Street enroute from the West Yard to East Peoria with 12 cars.

I heard TZPR 1521 (Industry 4) get permission to leave with 21 loads for ADM Grain Co's Wesley Road dock (still called "CID") but decided to wait for the Iowa Interstate train, which received permission to depart a minute later. With decreasing light, I decided to trake video at the first public grade crossing after crossing the river, Leland Street. 

CAPTION: Iowa Interstate manifest PESI (Peoria IL to Silvis IL) rolls off the Tazewell & Peoria Railroad's Illinois River Bridge late-afternoon Friday, January 17, 2025. IAIS 504 has 96 cars. (19 loads, 77 empties).

- David P. Jordan


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